NaiGu Company Attended The Guangzhou 39th CIFF During 3.28-3.31
NaiGu attended the guangzhou 39th CIFF during 28-31 on March at the S13.1F21 booth.
The CIFF is the biggest and most famous furniture industrial exhibition in Asia.
We bring the NG22R and NG17R mattress packing machine to the booth.
The two machines including compressing,film three side sealing,folding,roll pakcing fuctions.
NaiGu mattress machines attracted many visitors to see how the machine work and operate.
Many mattress manufactures want to see the mattress package form and effects.
The result is everybody feel amazing and interested in the mattress packing machines.
Several mattress manufactures order the machine on the live booth.

The Guangzhou 39th CIFF has finished yesterday.
OUR salemanagers team is a so nice and beautiful .